Mehr Urwaldschutz gefordert

Der Brief der Umweltorganisationen

Dreizehn Umweltschutzorganisationen fordern den norwegischen Umweltminister Børge Brende auf, mehr für den Schutz der Urwälder des Landes zu tun. ngo-online dokumentiert ihren Brief:

Minister Børge Brende

Postboks 8013 - Dep.

0030 Oslo



Fax: + 47 22 24 60 34

Hamburg, 18.3.04

Coastal spruce-forest protection / Protection program for forests

Dear Mr. Brende,

the undersigning German environmental organisations are raising their concerns about the conservation of biological diversity and the natural heritage of Norway, where still not more than one percent of its productive forests is protected. It is with deep concern we are observing that one of the richest countries in the world is failing to protect its biodiversity.

Last year we had to find out, that loggings took place in the areas of the coastal spruce forest, which is also known as boreal rainforest, and which is a specific forest type that only exists in Norway.

During a field trip to these logging places on Oct. 1st, which was attended by representatives of German organisations and companies, it became obvious that forest authorities were not able to secure the biological values of this unique forest type. We therefore welcome to hear that You have started a protection process to secure these important nature-treasures.

We urge You to protect the remaining still not protected Norwegian boreal rainforest as nature reserves and to take adequate and immediate steps for restoring those areas, which were destroyed by loggings during the last years.

We will also ask You to increase the protection of the last remaining big wilderness forests that are left in Norway. There are few such areas left, and its about time that Norway increase its protection from to days extremely poor level at one percent.

Please let us know about Your activities in this matter.

Sincerely Yours on behalf of the undersigning organisations Dr. Rudolf Fenner forest department ROBIN WOOD

The undersigning German Environmental Organisations:

Pro Regenwald, Lászlo Máráz

Robin Wood, Dr. Rudolf Fenner

urgewald, Lydia Bartz

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald und Artenschutz (ARA), Wolfgang Kuhlmann

Stiftung Eine Welt - Eine Zukunft, Jürgen Wolters

Rettet den Regenwald, Reinhard Behrend

Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU), Christoph Heinrich

Stiftung Artenschutz, Christiane Adler

Regenwald-Institut e.V., Dr. Rainer Putz

Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Dr. Helmut Klein

Gesellschaft für Ökologische Forschung, Sylvia Hamberger

WWF-Deutschland, Nina Grießhammer

Greenpeace Deutschland, Oliver Salge